What's the best, fastest, most inexpensive way to get an orgasm?

I've been experimenting next to sex toys but I want a FAST way to return with an orgasm. Thanx in credit...

Shave down there.should I?

If you enjoy a shower head near great water pressure and reheat temp. All you have to do is bring in, spread em, and permit that water run on your cli*%$#s until youv'e reach your climax. Good Luck!

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If it vibrate its good

HELP! Major ciggie craving!?

Okay you can't ask us when we don't know what make you climax. Why don't you figure that out on your own. Why would you even involve to pay money to hold an orgasm.

What do you do if you throw up 11 hours after taking your first pill of plan B (Emergency contraceptive)?

You can try masturbation. It can make faster

Could it be menopause?

It roughly takes at most minuscule 20 minutes of clitoral stimulation for a woman to achieve orgasm. Vibrating toys seem to be to work the best. If you decide to draw from a toy for penetration, in recent times remember that about the first quarter of the vagina have a lot of audacity endings, and the rest is simply dead space. I recommend going to talksexwithsue.com for some devout toy ideas. There's also some book concept there you may want to check out.

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Masterbation is the key. (hehe)
I hold several toys. Ask yourself first, which is more stimulating for you, penetrating orgasms, or clitoral orgasms.
There's toys for respectively kind of woman.
Some times in that are stimulating gells. Also there are pills for women to sustain you climax(mmmmm they work too)
Hope this all help.

Loestrin 24 and constant period.?

Masturbation next to a toy is the best way, but why would you want to rush it. Taking the time to savour all the atmosphere and build up to orgasm seems to me to be much more big. A vibrating rabbit is other a good toy also a vibrate egg can be very adjectives. Look up some of the stores on the internet and see what you think might interest you most.

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One thing that seem to do the trick for me is a little bit of anal stimulation near vaginal stimulation. It always help things right along!

What come s from women during orgasm?

Play with your Clitoris and work your G-Spot at the same time.

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