Hobby Ideas for extremely depressed 59 year prehistoric woman?

My grandmother is extremely depressed. She is on a VA pension and they one and only allow 8 mental health visit before they cut you past its sell-by date. She cant afford a therapist otherwise..she does nil but lay around in bed ALL daylight...has NO friends....doesnt even move off the house by herself. She totally isolates herself.i need to feel of something constructive for her so she can get out and own a life!.any suggestions? (p.s.- she think the red hat society is stupid) LOL

How do i count for my extent?

Aah! I was gonna read aloud the Red Hat Society! That's what my mom was thinking around joining! LOL.

Maybe something that got her doing something for somebody else. Maybe that would receive her mind off herself and her problems for a while, and engineer her feel she be contributing something. Tell her about an pipe for a volunteer in a soup kitchen, or a group who desires help organize donations for their charity, or a quilting guild who makes nouns quilts for wheelchair-bound people. Or bring out her old photos and suggest that she start scrapbooking them as a ancestral heirloom. Introduce her to Sudoku. Ask an active elder lady you know, from church or work or something, to come call on with you, and politely excuse yourself from the room so they can chat for a while. You can create up an excuse why you've brought a visitor. Also, bringing a pet to look in can be very beneficial.

If she's in obedient enough form for mild to moderate exercise, take walk with her. The sunshine and fresh nouns will do wonders.

My grandma suffered from depression also, and she kept saying she considered necessary God to take her. I asked her what she would do if God settled to keep her around another ten years? Would she want to spend them miserable, or would she fairly take something to discern better?

Best wishes.

Ages to take Centrum?

get her on Prozac - works for me.

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try and get her to progress for a walk every time 30 minutes. Its great for depression. She gets to own a look around her neighbourhood, offer the opportunity to talk to nation and make friends, great for her form and helps heaps beside depression.

No appetite?

Is there a local VA hospital? Arrange for her to see a social worker. You can't do this alone!

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Your grandmother is too babyish to live as she is. You need to return with her in to see her domestic doctor. He may be able to prescribe a mild antidepressant, so she can start passion better, & want to get up & start doing things, approaching going to church, visit line, go to a movie, run out to eat. If you drive, she may own to lean on you to get her out of the house. Even freshly going out for a ride can do a world of good for her. A revision in panorama can make her grain so much better. When you're with her, perchance you two could put puzzles together, or play cards, or other games. She needs to maintain her mind busy. When was the later time she had her fuzz done professionally? That would make her grain better, I'm sure. You're a very thoughtful grandchild, for human being so concerned about your grandmother. Does she hold any family that can do things next to her or for her? When is the last time any relations member bought her some flowers?

Any tricks of the trade.?

Zoloft,and bingo. She may wallow in gardening, or getting involved in church groups. I know my mom and grandmother enjoy working at the clothes closet. It`s kinda approaching good will except it`s church run for the dependent. They love people to volunteer.

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If she's depressed, it's probably a virtuous idea for her to enjoy a talk beside a doctor so she can have something prescribed to assistance. If she's simply bored, there are masses things she can do. A local Lion's Club, volunteer at a local hospital, my grandma does all of that and also go to the local assisted living facility and does hair for the other ladies, in that are many places to volunteer and bump into other people. Between adjectives these things, she's got something to do every afternoon. Your grandma is only a couple years elder than my mom though, and loneliness might be an issue. My mom belongs to lion's too and has met profusely of nice people!

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get her on a computer,show her this site ,tolerate her go ...that oughtta do it ,its a start...

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