VERY irregular periods.lend a hand?

i am 16 and i have have my period for 5 years in a minute...and it is STILL irregular. it can be up to like 3 months b4 i enjoy a period but when i do i will bleed for 3-4 weeks straight.

Why is it so..?

yea, i have the same entry - never knew when it be coming, it would last forever, and i would hold horrible cramps. midol is very accurate, but believe it or not, birth control pills can work wonders. I've been on them for four months very soon and i love it. i can totally predict every period, the bleeding is lighting, and it only last about four days very soon

What causes them to absence hormones?

baby .. i think u must b going next to some probs in the endocrinolgy of reproductive sys ...
budge n check with a doc ..
irregular period is a sign of many things ..
polycystic ovarian disease , over consignment ,too lean , no good food etc .. must pop in a doc .

I want boobs?

you're still in puberty and irregular is regular. have your parents gross an appointment with a gynecologist for an exam.

How do you share?

You could have endometriosis or fibroids (although you are a bit young). If you are birth control they could also be effecting your hormones levels. I in recent times had surgery for a fibriod because my cycles also last for weeks at a time. It got to a point where on earth I had to enjoy iron transfusions on a weekly basis because I be losing so much blood (and there be a chance I needed a blood transfusion). My surgery be an emergency. Its definitely not regular to bleed that long, so see your OBGYN immediately and enjoy him do an ultrasound or MIR if need be. You can't bleed for that me.

In the meantime, nouns up on multivitamins and iron-enriched food since you're losing valuable nutrients.

How to prevent mortifying moment in sex from scheduled again?!?

Mine was similar to that too. 2 years ago I started taking birth control to make it regular (and so I wouldn't bleed at much or as repeatedly due to heath issues) and it have helped, but I'm a forgetful soul and I often forget pills which worsens my time of year and it's regularity. If you want to commit to the pill, then ask your parents, except try the patch or go to your doctor. Good luck.

I wondering How to WOMEN achieve yest infections>?

Most of the time, irregular periods are chunk of the normal change that can happen when you're a teen. At some point as you grow, your cycle will probably settle into a common pattern. This usually happen by 3 years after your first period.

However, some teens may develop irregular period — or stop having period altogether — as a result of certain medication, excessive exercise, very low body weightiness, or not eating ample calories. Others may develop problems as a result of a hormone imbalance. For example, disorders of the thyroid gland can create menstrual irregularities if the levels of thyroid hormone within the blood become too low or too high.

Some women own irregular periods because their bodies produce too much androgen, which is a hormone that cause increased muscle mass, facial hair, and deepen of the voice in males and the nouns of pubic hair and increased distance from the ground in girls. High amounts of androgen can also rationale hair growth on the facade, chin, chest, and abdomen, and is sometimes associated next to excessive weight gain.

If you enjoy any of these problems, or if your periods are irregular for 3 years or more, see a doctor. The doctor may prescribe hormone pills or other medication or recommend lifestyle changes that can help out you to have regular period.

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