How much blood do you lose in an average period ?
In an average interval, you should lose 2-4 tablespoons combined. If you lose more than that it could be a problem. See you doctor as soon as possible for excessive or really heavy bleeding.
I reflect i might have a yeast infection, but i dont want to relay my mom or dad. what should i do?
Around a table-spoon.What does a yeast infection in the mouth look like and grain like?
I'm not sure I've never totalled it all up..... what a cross-examine to ask.... as if ppl are going to have an exact amount..xxxUhsorta embarassing questionplease answer?
Thats a horrible question!Normal women wouldnt weigh it. You know when its heavy by how habitually you have to alter your femi care!
Can a Low Carb diet stop your time of year?
Well average is about a bottle full of fastener varnish. You know the average sized bottles you get within shops.Yearly it sums up to a can of paint.
My daughter is 10 and i am worried that she is going to start?
it varies beside different people. also the 1st 2nd and 3rd light of day are your heaviest. some people hold it so light you can almost not notice and other ancestors have it so unhealthy they have to wear diapers. no kid.I have length problems! Please read and help!?
very little just about three tablespoons worthLooking at your other answers, they are saying 2-4 tbsp but I lose loads more than that.
I don't know how much exactly but it's alot.
it adjectives depends on how severe your periods are. some women lose extraordinarily little blood,called flimsy spotting. but if you are one of the unlucky ones like me,you can lose up to 3-4 teaspoons the nurse told me. i be put on medication for my periods as they be making me very in poor health. i was more hemorrhaging than have a normal interval. if you need more info, book an appointment next to the nurse at the surgery. she will be able to explain it adjectives to you better. take trouble xxx
Three gallons