I cant orgasm and its stressing me out!?

I can only orgasm when i masturbate but not when i hold sex, i know its not my boyfriend because i dont think ive ever be more turned on then when im near him but, i can never orgasm and he always does and im alwasy gone so unsatisfied. i think i can individual orgasm by clitoral stimulation but even when he does that, it doesnt work!! it is distressing me!!

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are you concentrating? Concentration is a huge part of orgasming, and it is harder when in that is a male beside you. Lots of women have your same problem, and it also take many women a exceedingly long time to "learn" how to orgasm. Just stay focused and try different things to see what you like best. Hopefully your time will come :)

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maybe you should try having sex near him while using your hand to stimulate your clitoris. This course you both can enjoy it.

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lots of ppl lie orgasms i can only ORGasm when i do it myself and when im alone so your not alone and i purely orgasmed like 3 times within the past 10 mins and im in my room alone sit on the PC

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concentration is a must.

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I am matching way. It's tough. Try using a small vibrator on your clitoris while have sex. It's the only method I can have an orgasm when I enjoy sex. Oh, and like the others said... Concentration is a big segment of it.

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Same! ahh so frustrating. I have have an orgasm with a previous boyfriend next to sex , but the sex wasn't nearly as good weirdly... With new boyfriend the sex is close to bindblowing but I don't experience the same orgasm next to new boyfriend as beside the old or alone. I am confused how the sex can be so amazing but not indistinguishable are g-spot orgasms much different than clitoral maybe that is to say it

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