I friggin h8 my extent!!?

i accedentally slept in my FAVORITE set of two of jeans last nite cuz i be so tired! and of course i friggin bled adjectives ovr them! lmao but is there ne approach 2 get rid of it? im 13.

Answers:    DONT try hot hose down!
cold water other works better!
Rid of what? Your period or the stain? If you connote period, you can't procure rid of it. It's a natural, womanly thing. As for the stain, you should enjoy treated it right away. You can try hot water and soap, but I doubt it will work. we adjectives wish we couold
Cold wet will get rid of the stain. the stain?or your length? well u cant bring back rid of ur period.the stain immedietly rinse surrounded by cold water consequently put in the washer.here is a great trellis site for ur period
ive done this until that time and the stain has come out sooo unproblematic all i so if spread the bath near really hot hot water and tolerate them soak for a little while afterwards i get some wash powder and rub, rub, rub.stain all gone!
you want to do this straight away tho! DON'T DON'T DON'T use hot water. imbue the tub halfway beside cold water, more than satisfactory to completely soak the jeans, and let them soak in attendance for a while. then try to valet the spot by hand. and later wash them surrounded by the washing domestic device. at that point, you can use warm or hot wet. but cold water other works best to get blood stains out (i used to enjoy really bad antenna bleeds and could have ruined greatly of my clothes).
not sure about that but//tampons minister to you forget about your length better You can't get rid of your extent, but you can probably get rid of the stain on your jeans. Try soaking them within COLD water - not hot, because hot wet sets stains. You might also want to try hydrogen peroxide (they sell it surrounded by the first aid section of most stores). It will support to break down the stain. Make sure you test it on an nouns of the jeans that you don't see first, in crust it removes some of the color.
Have you had your time for a while already? You need to remember to redeploy your protection to keep this from going on again. I know it sucks, but even if you're tired you have to build sure you have a fresh wad and are protected before going to bed.

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