When should I expect my term?
I recently took Provera for ten days --reccomended by my OBGYN and I be wondering if you have taken this until that time, and if so when I should I expect to have my extent. I have hear between five and ten days? And if so will I get the mundane cramping that you would feel beforehand your "normal" period?
My friend have a weird problem.?
usually about 5 days after you stop it, it'll come.
i've taken provera just about 10 times in former times 2 years, and each time it's come 5 days after i stopped it
I do enjoy to say though, depending on down time between each time I took it to return with a cycle, the longer the time was surrounded by between the worse the period be. Heavy bleeding, cramping, and i had a confusion a few times. I was told this could be mundane. It wasn't unbearable though.
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