I'm upset..?

I've been looking everywhere I can and I still don't know what to do. I accidentally not here a tampon in for 12-13 hours. All these sites relay me what can happen, but none notify me what to do. What should I do? I just get out of the shower and cleaned myself really well down at hand.

Will i get big boobs?

Firstly, Don't verbs. Contact your doctor if you start to get any symptoms:
"The symptoms of TSS include sudden giant fever, a lightheaded feeling, runny diarrhea, headache, and muscle aches. If your child have these symptoms, it's important to give the name your child's doctor right away."
"Signs of TSS: Look for fever; unwary (especially a rash that looks resembling sunburn); nausea and vomiting; watery diarrhea; confusion or other mental change; and decreased urination. If your daughter uses tampons, ask her to speak about you immediately if she notice any unusual vaginal discharge, especially if it smells strange or bad. Most of the time that will be due to other cause, but no matter the explanation, it still rates evaluation. "

You can also call your doctor, and inform her what happened.
Remember: TSS is VERY pink, so chances are you will be fine. Just don't do it again!

Hymen query?

you dont need to do anything except nick it out

Please please please Could i be pregnant?

you should be fine call your local Dr.

What is the do of whitish breast discharge?

There may be nothing wrong, but see your GYN for a check up to trade name sure there isn't an infection in that.
Good luck!

Are any other women raving mad lunatics when they PMS??

Toxic shock syndrome.. if you're not have symptoms you're fine.

Why are women more open to sex next to other women?

you should be fine. if you start noticing symptoms of tss (toxic shock system) move about to the docter immediatly.

What should i do?

You'll be okay. Just change ASAP (sounds resembling you did that) and make sure to see a doctor if you start to consistency sick (fever, vomiting, etc.).

This should help: http://www.kidshealth.org/parent/infecti...

Missed length?

Don't worry, it happen!

In this day and age, tampons are alot safer and Toxic Shock Syndrome is far smaller amount common.

If you win a headache, feel dizzy or ailing, THEN go to the doctor; otherwise, you will be in recent times fine.

Females i need aid?

GET IT OUT... if you don't it will cause and infection...u might be capable of * your leg up on the toilet and try and get it beside your own fingers..if not budge to your doctor /gyn.asap... it might be embarrassing but believe me your not the first...

Day after your spell..?

There's nothing to be upset about unless you are have symptoms of an infection or toxic shock syndrome the best thing you did be hurry to take it out and verbs yourself so unless you get unexpected symptoms. there should be an insert in your tampon box just about TSS umm... If it was vanished in that long because you be asleep I would suggest you wear a pad to bed instead

Do you ever only just feel physically repugnant for no reason?

Take it out as soon as possible until that time infection occurs.

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