How do i cope?

im 28 of age,no kids,im ok wid that cause i'm nt in position yet..but this morning i recieved a memorandum from my doctor saying that i might hav a problem wid my alarmed to death.

Very Painful Curse?

honey, you don't need to be panicky to death because you don't know what the problem is..

it might be an infection or they might didn't purloin enough taster rom you if you had a smear examination recently.

i know you are worried but i hope it is a small probelm, perfect luck

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pray and other think positive. If you grant up or think impossible thoughts you'll always lose. Its mind over situation.

gooodluck girl
you can beat doesn`t matter what it is
many others hold and you can too

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I also have a scare when I be 19. Try to relax. See what he/she has to articulate. There are many treatments and alternative methods for pregnancy. And never appropriate the word of one doctor or one practice. Always get a second assessment.

Question about nurses please give support to thank you :):):)?

Did the dr. give you an emergency generous of note, or the experiment came out funny tolerate's repeat it in 6 months register. Is he talking biopsy? or ultrasound?

I have an unusual reading on a Pap a couple of years ago, but they repeated it in 6 months and I'm fine. A lot of the time, it's just the lab seeing something they don't know just about so they mark it "irregular."

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my 30 year odl sister have very bed probability of being pregnant because she have a whatever the toddler sits on (i forget the name) of one of her sides of her reproductive organs. she thinks of adopt whenever she is ready. also u can ask a a sister or another feminine in ethnic group to be a serigote for a male sperm. the inovetrio process is in low %, but if u own a 0%, a low % is better than 0%.

and she also has out of the ordinary paps every so often so she go for one every six months instead of every year

as for u, i hope it isnt soemthing very bad, and if it is i hope its treatable ( my 52 year outdated mother has cervical cancer and it be cuaght in stage 3 and the later step, inoperable and needed chemo and radioation. here r some symtoms(to get primed?): trouble gonig to the bathroom(both ways), spoting betwen periods, and pains these r also symstoms of hose filled thyrod that r non-hazardous if not vanished to grow.

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