I similar to to know how soon I should have a extent. My child is almost 2mths it hasn't came however.?

I has some blood out of my vagina it just for a day or two. It be real standard lamp. I had no problems next to pregancy or delivery. I'm not rushing to hold my period. I'm purely concerned. I'm not on not kind of birth control. Something inform me to call my doc. if I don't own by the end of Aug. What should I do.

Im on the pill but own still been bleeding for 4 weeks presently?

Are you breastfeeding? If you are, it is common to not enjoy a period until after you stop nursing.

If you aren't breastfeeding, menstruation should return inside eight weeks after birth. When you say you have some blood for a day or two, do you miserable recently? If so, that be probably your period. It can be fairly light sometimes.

Either agency, you should be on birth control if you don't want to get pregnant again right away. Even if you aren't have a period, you can still find pregnant.

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