Bigger or smaller?

32b bra size.
sugery - make it bigger? or make it smaller?

After how long do you do kegal exersise till you procure tight??

Leave them alone. Girls or women next to this size are the ones that most attract me, all my life. Besides, God know what your back can handle and will not offer you bigger if it could cause back problems then on. Bigger is not necessarily better and surgery would just make you a lie.

For those of you who own taken Yaz, have it increased your breast size?

Most def if you are going to even consider surgery(which you should really look into the facts first), then go bigger don't dance smaller. It's not like you have subsidise problems or anything!

Are my measurements average?? What roughly speaking body rotund percentage?

woo same size! lol. well sometimes i like them the size they are. other times i want bigger. singular go smaller if you feel humiliated with them this size. id to some extent buy padded bras than surgery. x

Anything i can to to oblige my boobs grow? docs?

Smaller? ummm...32B is like a training bra already. Do you want to look close to a boy? I dont recommend surgery either way. Be joyful and confident with what you have!

I stipulation serve please assist me...girls singular please.?

You should be at ease with the way you are. But if you do touch the need for surgery then be in motion bigger!

My nipples hold be really sore... and I am tardy on my time?

Leave them alone. they will have further to travel with age and gravity. Besides, within are guys out there that prefer what you have!

How do u whip a shower...?

32b is gorgeous My favourite size.

Blocked fallopian tubes/adhesians from surgery.?

Save your money and do something useful to society.

Lybrel breakthrough bleeding?

Accept what you've be given and you will be a lot happier in go.

Why am i breaking out? abet me!!?

Stay the same. I think if ur gonna obtain surgery wait till after u have kids. consequently it will be worth it.

4 girls ONLY!!?

do what you want.
i say bigger

Would you approaching an iny nipple?

Leave it the way it is

What do you do when your heart hurts (LITERALLY)?

Leave them alone,that's a flawless size,bigger ones just get surrounded by the way and could cause more problems..Trust me.

How do i put it in>?

Why would you want to do any? They sound fine to me.

What kind of yoga is required to cure migraine?

Don't do either. You should be in good spirits with who you are.

What is the oldest age u will draw from ur time of year ?

Leave it alone. It's perfect.

Our lecturer say girls bring period, im a girl will i?,What are they? is this true?

Why do any? Just leave them the way mother outlook made 'em.

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why do you want surgury? that is i great size!

Please tender me serious answers. Breast problem.?


I hold be bleeding for a more than a month. I don't know what to do?

Can "skipping" a time while on the pill rationale the subsequent term to be out of whack?
I own big boobs??!!?
Am i pregnant!!?
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