Help me please really terrified!! Doctors anybody!!?

Im 14 and i have be feeling bloated, gassy, and description of naseus when i eat. I enjoy been taking gasx and it works a touch. I went to the emrgency room and they said it be indigestion. I am overdue for my period, tired, and thirsty. It started concluding sunday with mild cramps on disappeared side. My bone was popping out later it ot bloated on left side and after right side of my body. I ould apprecite the help and doctors assessment. Thanks.

How can you tighten up your vagina??

e-mail me and tell me surrounded by detail what is bothering you

Girls only plz.back!?!?

I'm not a doctor, but I can tell you this right very soon...go see one right now. You do not have indigestion.

My doctor have a nurse practitioner and he asked me if i wanted him to do it or the nurse practitioner to do it

Could you be pregnant? Go see a doctor right away regardless.

I'm 39 and hold large uterine fibroids. My OB/GYN say I need a hysterectomy. Any crude ways to cure this?

I am not a doctor, but if I were you I would run see on asap. And this time make sure they really check you out.

Help! My best friend is Bulimic?

well if u own not seen your term yet possibly u are about to hold it so get in place or u may be pregnant but go see a doctor.

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