DO they crash down out?

when u lose an eg does it like decline out into the toilet or something?

Is there a accidental i could get cancer?

Hehe, hun if you are outdated enough to be coming on here you are outmoded enough to know the rudiments about how your body works.

No they don't tip out down the toilet, after ovulation if the egg is not fertalised they are absorbed into your body, and that along beside uterus lining leaves your body when you enjoy your period...and later what you use on your period (tampons, pad, menstrual cups, etc.) determins on whether that goes down the toilet or not.

This is a really pious site for girls and women, has the nitty-gritty about how your body works, within is no reason why you shouldn't already know these things -

Just to correct someone above too, 3 days after your peirod is not the easiest time to draw from pregnant, the average time for ovulation is 14 days after the start of your menstrual cycle (first day = start of period) - but this is different for everyone. there is a interval of around 5 days when you are fertile which is the day you ovulate and a few days beforehand.
This is the ONLY time you can get cannot win pregnant at any other time of your cycle because there is no egg in attendance...this idea that you can grasp pregnant at any time is one of the biggest ignorant myths roughly women's bodies. There would be far fewer unwanted pregnancies if population diddn't perpetuate this myth!

A personal sxual query (serious)?

No it is flushed away with your menstrual flow.

Have you ever expieranced uterine prolapse at a young at heart age and what did you do about it ?

ya, but it is so small you won't no it comes out next to blood

I need some warning about gyn?

You should look for it

Sex/Pregnancy press?

it's removed during your period, so the egg cell purely mixes with the blood, and "leaves"

I freshly found out that i weigh 156 pounds is that good for the increase of 5'8?

Haha, no sweetie they come out with your interval. And then 3 days after your term you are most fertile and that's when it's easiest to get pregnant.

Burning sensation?

No, they are gripped back into the body. If it is fertilized and have a sac, it might pass through the toilet but it would be so small you wouldn't see it.

Mentrual Cycle Help [please].. Serious and season answers only.?

when ovulation occurs/ releasing of the egg from the ovary the ovary can any be fertilized with sperm or it is dissolved into the walls of your uterus (your endometrium). when you own your period it is so small you can't even see it, but it is dissolved into the blood.

walk to this website and click on the vitural diagram and it will show you the menstrual cycle. that explains it all.

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