I have my period on july 1st and it last 5 days then i get my period again on 22 and presently just done .?

I had my spell on july 1st and it lasted 5 days later i got my time again on 22 and now in recent times ended . i am not on birth control and i enjoy been have unprotected sex. what does this mean?


Boob career ?

well idk
but let just hope your length came a bit early :)

Umm? Girl press?

since you got your extent you are probably not pregant, but take a tryout anyway just to trademark sure! It may just have it in mind your cycle is a little stale..that can happen from the horomones from sex, stress, anything really..its not other clockwork..trust me!

Moral dillema?

how would you know july isn't here yet!

Er it's a humane of embarassing question?

Pay attention to your cycles. When you procure your period, splotch it down on the calender with an X. Pay attention to how long your length is to. My period is almost 5 days long to, but ussaully comes between 29-33 days. Pay attention to the way your body feel during the two days and the day you get your spell. Also pay attention to your emotion to. Track this for a few months and you should start to see a pateren. If there is still a put somebody through the mill or a concern, then speak to your doctor.

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I had that problem for years, even when I wasn't have sex. All women are different and your cycles won't always be duplicate and probably won't be normal until you enjoy children. Mine were really odd (won't get it for 2 months and after have it for a full month) and I go to see the doctor. I got on the pill and it have been lighter and ordinary ever since my third month of taking it. That might be a solution for you too.

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