Number of pregnancies and Mirena IUD?

Can the number of children one has given birth to effect the intensity of affliction experienced with the insertion of Mirena IUD?

I've have three children and the discomfort was minimal, on the other hand a relative with 2 children experienced excruciating dull pain.

Man issues?

I would think that it would depend on your cervix. If you enjoy had children past and if it was not long you delivered after your cervix would be different after someone's who had never have children before. Probably have to do with one's agony tolerance.

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I've one and only had 1 child and I didn't experience any backache, so the answer would be no. I think it have to do with a tolerance for affliction.

Girls ONLY answer!?

I got the mirena iud put within a year ago I never had any children they put me on it because I have high blood pressure. From what I get from my doc was the more children you have the easier it was because me not have any kids I was within pain!! blood pressure droped and almost passed out. So you should be okay.

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