Just curious does she masturbate? i focus she does?

heres the text the first be me then second her.
Ouch. Lol. Ooh that feel good
-Having fun with yourself?
-Woah. No. r u? Lol
-I other have fun beside me
-U mean you do? Woah
-U tight-fisted you masturbate?
-Ewe no do you?
-I have the right to remain silent. Then what be you talking something like?
-Sick you do!
-I never said I did. Then what you talking around then?
-I hold the right to remain silent as you do
-U do? That’s kind of cool. Lol
-Ya I do
-Ur kid me right?
-About what?
-U masturbating
-I don’t!
-U say you do afterwards u don’t. i’m confused. Yes or no I wont tell anyone.
-Ok cuz I be about to voice a good girl that does that> freaking awesome. Lol
-Ya i’m sure ud love that
-Yea… sure. It would be cool to know cuz it seem only guys do it.
-Do guys other turn everything into something dirty?
-When we don’t understand it yea. The part of the pack where you said I close to to have fun next to me made me think it.
-Ya economically I could have ment board games for adjectives you know.

Is it coming back ?

Oh, you've draw together girls that masturbate, you just haven't designed any that will admit it!

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They don't. Grace should be imitate.

Eye thingy?

lol girls do. we just dont approaching telling the guys because it make us look slutty until we're older, and realize it doesnt concern anymore.

Dominant follicle?

I don't know how old this girl is, but it's potential that she does masterbate because most teenage girls do. She's only embarrassed to truly come out & say it. She doesn't hold to say it, you know. It's private.

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girls do masturbate... damn... lol, some dont plead guilty it, some dont give a s to tolerate u know. lol

Can anyone explain these symptoms?

lol i agree with llola

Please! ladies merely!?

yeah i think girls do that LOL oh! i expect SHE does haha

Tampon question?

Lol, most girls do but if she's a youngster she'll never admit to it, no business how much you question her :)

Can you check for pregnancy beside at home kit until that time your period? i want to build sure im not so i can drink.?

Just so you know, almost all girls do it. She probably does. And almost adjectives girls lie more or less it. Which is a shame, because most guys say they close to the idea. I don't know if that's what she be trying to say though. Younger girls are smaller quantity likely to come clean it and you guys sound babyish.

(I think the "I do" be "I do have the right to remain silent" not "I do masturbate", FYI)

Have you become pregnant on the nuvaring?

Most girls do and they freshly don't admit it.

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