Lower left abdominal torment?

I am having lower vanished abdominal pain. I sometimes procure this kind of anguish before my spell but this time its on my last morning. It also usually only last a few hours and this time its been over a daylight. When it is before my spell I have be told its an egg being release etc. Last nigh it be much worse, it felt similar to my insides were going to come out. Today is more of an annoying spasm because you can always be aware of pressure. This time I dont know what it is. Has anyone ever experienced this before?

My friend have had her interval for a year now and have no signs of development is near somthing wrong with her?

It sounds resembling it could be constipation related.


It sounds like you could enjoy irritaion of the bowels called diverticulitis. Has it resolved today? Have your B/M's be normal? The other possibility is that you could own a small cyst or fibroid on your uterus or fallopian tube that was any agrivated or burst. If the pain happen again or continues, see your general practitioner or ob/gyn.

Which wad is best?

Get it checked by your gyn. It could be endimetriosis. [Sp.] Good luck!

Can anyone tell me what happen to a midwife if a baby dies during transference?

i get that too. usually past i start my period. but i go and get it alot,
my periods come whenever they want. but getting that pain
usually help me prepare.

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