Think im in disgrace?

so my girlfriend and i were have sex (condom) and when i was done i notice white substance in her vagina. It didnt look resembling milky white like sperm but more of a solid white, could this be her fluid or is it deffently sperm?

I hold sharp pains in my breasts and nipples during my period. It's so doomed to failure I literally stop in my tracks.Why?

if you could see it and if it be possible that it was semen next im sure you would have notice that the condom broke or something, by the sounds of it, if the condom didnt break, then in attendance is no way that it is semen, every girls discharge is different contained by every situation, it has to be her "fluid".

Help me please ???

your girlfriend be lubed because of how she felt near you.

What are the chances of preganacy if nuva ring slips out?

her fluid

I did not enjoy sex, but however I used stuffs to rub against my private part. Will I catch pregnant?

It was her conventional discharge. Good job on the condom use.

How come ?

sounds resembling a yeast infection jake, tell her to attain some monistat!

Girls..personal health questionplease minister to!?

what? if you dont know what it is, then you shouldnt be have sex

Effects of Birth Control on Lab Tests?

could be a mixed of her fluids and the condoms lube it happens to me you should be fine

What are the signs of a yeast infection?

quite posably her fluids but later again it could have be sperm if you still have the condom witch i hope you dont motive thats nasty but you should pour wet in it to see if any sea comes out and also go buy a ept audition pregnancy test it is the best one we use it contained by our office adjectives the time!

Should birth control make you gain weightiness?

Unless the condom broke or you didn't use it correctly, it must be her own fluid.

How come my butt crack is hairy?

it be more than likely her fluids

Is it commonplace to get headache around your period?

she probably have a vaginal infection of some kind. she should see her gynocologist (ob/gyn) or common physician.

Why does everyone think tampons are better than pad?

did she say anything? did you put the condom on right? you know that woman hold lube that is a solid white its approaching our own brand of sperm, its purpose is to make the sper seem to be like more so it can travle could be any but hell she spred her legs, if she is pregnant it is both yours tespinsibility

Whey does my girlfriend bleed everytime i finger her?

Does (condom) mean that you did use a condom? ANyway, The feminine's secretions come out like as males. Sometimes it's milky white as you stated, solid white and sometimes it can be clear. When a female get moist her vagina releases secretion to keep it from drying out. YOu only made her body feel polite like she did yours. All sperm is not white. basically to be safe merely get a pregnancy assessment in a couple of days and hold on to wrapping it up.

How old be you when you started your period.?

Hun.if you will know it, there are no if ands or buts around it, was this your first time have sex? If you have another incident approaching this you need to manufacture sure that you check the condom for rips and holes. You may also want to think just about spermicide and an extra precaution for your partner. Sounds like the white substance be from her.

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