Plzz answer..what do i hold?

I find myself wanting to be an anorexic. I know its a disease and you can't just seize it by saying,''I AM GOING TO BE ANOREXIC''
I dont know why, but i devise it would be the best thing within my entire life. I am not overweight I am 13 4'10 and 72lbs. so as you can see I am not overweight nor underweight. I suppose about it adjectives the time and when i see anorexic ppl i wanna be like them. I denote I wish I be them. Why am i like this?

No rude comments!


Am I pregnant or is it pms?

If you see anorexia as a desirable entity, then you may be anorexic, even though you fortunately enjoy not acted on it. Please be very wary with this, as it is a dicey disease, and keep checking in beside your doctor about it. It is a dutiful thing that you don't see yourself as overweight, because that fuels a great deal of eating disorders.

Why won't the blood stop?

you obligation to talk to a psychiatrist. It's not average to want to be sick. Talk to your parents and let them hold you to a good psychiatrist.

Can meds carry into your system from sex?

all teens go thru over-enthusiastic cycles, it is part of growing up. Don't verbs, you will likely grow out of this one too.

Are vagina's supposed to love salty?

hey.i honestly judge you are underweight. im 4'11 and 120 lbs, which is alittle heavy but i give attention to a normal substance would be 105 for you. im alittle curious as to why you would want to be like them, they look approaching they are sick. i think you should own ur parents take you to a psychologist, for your own sake. its not terrifying, i promise.

Comfort eating?

i am a semi anorexic because i similar to eating and adjectives but i want to be skinny. i am 13 5'4 and weigh 98 lbs. im a good shipment but i wanna weight 85 lbs so i would be skinnier. my rib hold shows and i am pure muscle but i wanna loose weight so i know what ur emotion. dont think around anorexic people only just think something like u maybe u should take into a sport or something so u can think in the region of that and other things. dont forget to eat!

Tampoons what for my ladies.?

idk...I will see you within september when school starts again..hold a good summer..bubbles l0l

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