Why cant I bring rid of my post pregnancy body?!?!?!!?

I am starting to get really depressed. I enjoy been working out since he be 8 weeks old and I get through right most of the time. I started once a week until I quit breast feeding (that took so much animation from me). I have be working out 3 times a week for months now. I do yogalates class two days a week and work out near a trainer once a week. Some weeks I don't get to do it 3 times because of other obligation but if I miss I do things at home instead. My baby is more or less to be 6 months this week and I am still a long way from my pre-baby body. Iam not even close. I be small before so I dont' know if I can ever achieve there again. I prominently gained too much beside him but I never imagined it would take this long to return with rid of it. Is this normal? What can I do? How can I speed this up? I dont' own time to work out every day!

My clitorus have been itchy for a few weeks presently, there is no sign of a problem & it's lone there?

I feel you are doing all the right things. If you gain quite a bit during you pregnancy, its merely going to take time. When he starts walking he'll run you frayed and you'll lose it in no time! You also mentioned that you breast feed for a while and didn't start working out until he was 8 weeks antiquated so it's only be four months, it took you longer than that to gain the extra wt. during your pregnancy, so it's gonna take some time to gain rid of it. I would just hold up what you are doing, don't over do it. Your body needs time to rest. If you are worried about depression, sermon to your Dr., the hormonal changes can end in post natal depression which can be serious in some associates.

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