Help me lose a potbelly?

On my dads side of the fam, they rnt fat, they simply have small potbellies. On my mom side, they are prevailing conditions sized, tall, and some of them reasonably skinny. I inherited my dads little potbelly and i wanna lose it! hehe. Im a girl and im 13 and involve to know how i can lose it. Cany anyone help? appreciation xxx

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well i used to enjoy a potbelly too but i did about 300-500 crutches and/or 300 sit ups a hours of daylight and i lost it in roughly speaking a couple of months. do alot of excercise involving the belly and you'll have fabulous abs and the potbelly will be gone..virtuous luck!!

PLEASE HELP!only girls!?


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If you're trying to lose weight, you should shoot for 60 minutes of walking most days of the week. To hold on to weight rotten, get 60-90 minutes of walking most days.

Equipment Needed: Good athletic shoes are adjectives you need.

Pros: Walking is a weight-bearing exercise (which resources it's good for bone health) and help build cardiovascular endurance. Almost everyone can do it, regardless of fitness smooth.

Cons: You may not lose weight as promptly as with some other forms of cardiovascular exercise.


Swimming is a wonderful cardiovascular conditioner that also help tones arms and legs, and it's very straightforward on the joints.

Swimming will increase your stamina, can abet ward off diabetes and lofty blood pressure, and relieves stress.

Equipment: A swimsuit and maybe goggles.

Pros: Most individuals already know how to swim; it's fun, refreshing, and forgiving of excess weight or physical disabilities.

Cons: Not everyone have easy access to pools, lake, or the ocean. Swimming is not consignment bearing, so you should couple it with other events such as walking or lifting weights.

Good Luck and have fun!

GIRLS ONLY: Our time?

Lie on your stomach, keeping your hips and pelvis flat. With your hands below your chin (or in a pushup position to assist in lifting, if necessary), contract your lower back muscles and elevate your chest about 30 to 35 degree off the floor. Hold, later slowly lower.
Lie on your back beside your knees bent and your lower legs placed horizontally on top of a stool. Your thighs should be vertical, your hips close to the chair. Curl up slowly, next to your upper back give or take a few 30 degrees stale the floor, and hold. Slowly return to the floor. For a more challenging workout, hold your legs straight up surrounded by the air.
Lie on your backbone and place your hands, palms down, alongside your thighs. Bend your hips and knees to form a 90-degree angle: thighs vertical, lower legs horizontal. Now slowly contract your abdominal muscles, lifting your hips nearly 2 to 4 inches off the floor. Keep your upper body and arms relaxed. Hold, later slowly lower.
Ice-cold water. It's calorie-free and fill you up, so you eat smaller amount. It can also help flush away premenstrual bloating. Drink it rime chilled, and you'll even burn a few extra calories as your body warms it up.
Kickboxing, racquetball, swimming (crawl stroke), and tennis (singles). Any type of aerobic exercise will burn rotten belly fat.

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At your age I wouldn't verbs about it all the same. you probably not fat. So, situps leg lifs and crunches will aid tighten up that area. If you are plump, then you necessitate to burn calories. For an average man to lose a pound of fat, he wants to burn 3400 calories. We tend to eat just about 2000 a day. So you would requirement to exercise a lot and chomp through mostly fruits and vegetables. No candy, cookies, ice cream or cake. Sounds boring I know, but I am going on time off in August and I want to be ripped this year. I am running, working out beside weights, using a ab lounger and martial arts. GL

Is my penis to small?

you must not verbs about it however!

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