When i snezzed blood came out promptly?

i went to the bathroom and my underware be covered in blood. and the tampon be completly covered. i have used this absorbancy for a wile and it other worked. i only have the tampon in for a few hours approaching 3. Why did this happen? what should i do?

I want to increase my breast size.?

it's middle-of-the-road...just wear a stronger absorbency tampon, or wear a wad at the same time.

Pleaaaaase relieve?

Umm buy a more absorbant tampon and wear a pad at matching time.. you might just own a strange month were its heavier

If a teen have her period when she go to a theme park?

it only means your flow be heavier than usual.its happens to me adjectives the time...there's zilch wrong.just convert the tampon and put a pantyliner on with it

How do I easily treat recurring vaginal odor?

this happen to everone
when i snezze or cough lots of blood comes out too

Does running get rid of cellulite?

Its commonplace for blood to come out when you sneeze. I would use the same absorbency because the complex absorbency the higher the risk of tss. But a moment ago wear a pad next to it.

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