Ever noticed that contained by America most circumcised men feel "relieved" from something they own no experience?

No surprise if they don't miss it,out of ignorance,but.
In consequence instead,is a wonder that they don't feel deprived.
And they believe themselves "be cured" by it.of their own genitals skin!
A stout (fore)skin used by researchers in cures for cancer!!

Pads vs tampons.?

Why is this in Women's Health?

There are pimples on my breast and around my nipples.?

i love uncircumsized men
wish they adjectives were

Girls simply please!?


I need the leep procedure done and im alarmed can anyone help me?

Uncircumcised men enjoy a higher risk of contracting HIV. That alone get my vote for doing the surgery.

Ortho Evra Contraceptive Patches?

Being circumcised would be more of a luxury, most men are lazy, and it make their hygiene routine quicker. Plus not having a foreskin, reduce the chances of contracting undisputed STD's. Like Chlamydia. And gives them more sensitivity through added friction during intercourse.

Nervous IUD problems?

my husband is un circumcised and i love it!

Emergancy Contraceptive pill?

while it may work wonders for medical science it is not so dutiful for women as bacteria and dirt can covering with surrounded by the folds of the fore skin thus circumcision is a reliable way to cut down on cervical cancer and other infections that plague women. But i suspect that moral hygiene could eliminate that problem for those not surgically altered.I believe it be original used contained by the early years of man history and ordained by the churches of some religions for those less knowledgeable followers as a saving grace for those societies.As clergies be generally the most knowledgeable and thus more likely to be hygienic during those eras...

Q just about abortion?

how can they miss something that was taken from them when they be 3 days old?

Women please.?

You're right, cancer and circumcision is unrelated.

In February 1996, representatives of the American Cancer Society stated contained by a letter to the American Academy of Pediatrics:

"The American Cancer Society does not consider routine circumcision to be a valid or impressive measure to prevent such [genital] cancer. Research suggesting a pattern contained by the circumcision status of partners of women near cervical cancer is methodologically flawed, outdated and has not be taken seriously in the medical community for decades." [ http://www.cirp.org/library/statements/l... ] [ http://www.cirp.org/library/disease/canc... ]

Hygiene and prevention of disease are among the commonest reason cited for performing male circumcision. This directory contains reference that examine the validity of these claims within detail: http://www.cirp.org/library/disease/...

I'm just going to point out some things in the AAP circumcision policy statement.
"It warn physicians that parents should not be coerced by medical professionals to choose circumcision, suggesting that some medical professionals have coerced parents to choose circumcision. In certainty, some infants have be circumcised even though parents explicitly requested no circumcision. "

"The AAP statement acknowledges that the foreskin contains "a concentration of specialized sensory cells" and reports that "penile sensation and sexual pleasure are decreased for circumcised males." "

"The report recognize the extreme pain and trauma cause by circumcision as evidenced by large increases in heart rate, blood pressure, and stress hormone level during circumcision. The AAP notes that according to a recent study, circumcised infants exhibit a stronger headache response to vaccination at six months than uncircumcised infants, demonstrating that the effects of circumcision are not short-lived. By calling for niggle medication, in the form of injection into the infant’s penis, the AAP acknowledge that this extreme pain and trauma of circumcision are serious. "

"The statement take a position of not recommending circumcision. Consistent next to all previous AAP reports, no proven, actual benefits for circumcision are found. The claims of potential medical benefits are discussed surrounded by more detail that the last report (1989) and shown to be insignificant. The debate around medical benefits is over. "

"As in previous reports, hygiene is not an issue. According to the report, "near is little evidence to affirm the association between circumcision status and optimal penile hygiene.""

And, with respect to HIV,
A lot of the information perpetuate about it preventing diseases is false.
The study that you are smaller quantity susceptible to aids if you are circumcised is flawed. Here is a discussion of the report and its methodology by "Doctors Opposing Circumcision": http://www.doctorsopposingcircumcision.o... .

Have a read through their statement. It is very informative. It shows the methodological flaws and poor conclusion in the report that the WHO have jumped upon. Everything is aptly sourced.

Men may repeatedly feel a obligation to justify their own circumcision by the equals of claims of health benefits.[ http://www.cirp.org/library/psych/goldma... ]
"The medical literature is full of protective claims for an assortment of diseases, such as sexually transmitted disease , male and feminine cancers, and urinary tract infection. All such claims own been disproved."[ http://www.doctorsopposingcircumcision.o... ]

"The United States have one of the highest rates of mannish circumcision and also one of the highest rates of HIV infection in the developed world, suggesting that circumcision is have exactly the opposite effect. Conversely, Finland and Japan hold some of the lowest rates of circumcision and also some of the lowest rates of HIV/AIDS."

Condoms have be proven to be an effective way of combating AIDS.

A circumcised male will still contract HIV. If any character sleeps with someone who have Aids, they are likely to contract the virus unless a condom is used.

This is my first time using tampons?

People see the myth that mutlating an infant boy is better than leaving him intact and natural. Doctors own always found some excuse (all of which can be validly disputed save flat out disproven) to circumcise because of the MONEY there is to be have.
Come on people.if circumcision reduced HIV rates, the US would enjoy a VERY LOW rate.
The UK's circ rate is about 12%, while the US circ rate is in the region of 55%. The US has an HIV rate that doubles (yes, doubles!) that of the UK.explain that one.
Also, you would enjoy to circumcise 200 boys that would otherwise NOT get a UTI to prevent one UTI, making that another invalid idea to cut...especially since antibiotics will work just fine in the in danger of extinction chance the boy get an infection.

Circumcision doesn't cure anything. I'm glad that you (the asker) know that. More people should.

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from an aesthetic perspective, and from a woman's personal view, i do not find uncircumcised penises to be attractive in any sense of the term. the foreskin is of late a piece of skin, and is a good claimant for skin grafting since the cell of a foreskin multiply rapidly. circumcision practices predate history anyways so who's to say aloud what motivation people own for it now save for tradition? i think if anything is a problem it's womanly circumcision which is still barbarically practiced in some societies and have absolutely no purpose save for to make intercourse aching for women thus preventing promiscuity in order to assert her virginity until her wedding hours of darkness. men, on the other hand, don't lose the integrity of their genitals from circumcision. christen me shallow, but i couldn't have sex next to a guy that wasn't cut.

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your absolutely right. to me it hasnt matter if a man has circumcision or not. its adjectives the same to me. its a stupid entity that people do because they "think" they own to. whats next, womanly circumcision in this country. why not. neither serves no medical use whatsoever. its barbaric. god put it within for a reason contained by the first place. why remove it.

Why is this?

what is wrong with u

Hi, adjectives women on this site please help me i basically got my interval and i am 13 it is so uncomforatble what to do?

It's easier to clean.

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circumcision makes sense for males who can not or will not practise righteous personal hygiene. in other words they dont hose it properly.An uncircumcised penis is said to be transmitting HIV easier in certain 3rd world countries .
Other than that here is no reason to do it. Old customs die hard.

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Circumcision is a religious ritual for Jewish males. It has nil to do with condition or cancer.

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