Help me please?

im only nearly 21, and i've be dating/living with my partner for give or take a few 18 months now.. and i've completely lost
we've tried spicing things up,doing different things etc etc adjectives the usual responses, but its just not up for me. i've been have a lot of trouble next to the pill lately and i think thats definately artificial it, but now everything is put money on to normal and im still . 'un-needy' even if he tries to receive it otherwise

Hymen problem please HELP?!!?

The pill definitely messes near your drive. Try switching pill.. Or else just endow with it some time to go backbone to normal. Also the more you do it the more you'll want it so try doing it sometimes even though you don't really want it, I've hear too that first thing contained by the morning is a good time to do it, your testosterone level are at their highest afterwards so you'll be more likely to return with in the mood confidently..

No feeling during sex anyone else near this problem?

What is your question?


my solely suggestions are to either a) rent a porno or b) consume some generous of aphrodisiac (sp?)

What signs could you have when u are a moment ago one month pregnant.?

A common side effect of most birth control pills is a lower sex drive. I don't assume there's anything you can do except stop taking the pill.

Weight and am i at an Average size?

My dear, pills reduce sex drive so drop them if you want to enjoy it. Then I judge that you should take some time apart from respectively other it might be worth it say two weeks. Then after that things might merely get pay for to normal.

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