((GASP!))) Was this her time?

Last night, my daughter be changing near me, and I noticed DARK DARK brown on her underwear. Obviously, the first give somebody the third degree, was "Did you poop today?". She said no, and I said "Well, I reflect on you may have gotten your first extent, honey." Was it her period? This morning, in that was zilch on her pad. Was it the time!?

Breast reduction?

Yes, it sounds approaching she has her time of year. I remember when I first got mine, it be VERY dark brown at first and didn't really look much close to blood at all. It be also very irregular, for the first eight months or so in the past my cycle settled down - and I could be bleeding fairly heavily in the future and absolutely nil the next. Also, remember that the flow slows down surrounded by the evening in most people, so it's not unusual to enjoy nothing on the wipe in the morning. If you own any concerns, definitely see your doctor, but this sounds common to me.

Why do stupid people save asking questions in the region of pregnancy or sex when they can't spell either one?

it should be her time of year.

Should i be worried if my period is 2 days belated at least i reflect on it is?

it could have be, how old is she?

i notice on my first period it bled during the afternoon, and at night it stopped and didnt resume until 8 or 9 within the morning. wait a couple days to be sure.

My sister is 'becoming a woman'?

Probably. When it first starts it is somewhat irregular. Could also be a bladder infection or anal gash

OUCH! Bad cramps! Any way to contentment the pain?

If it be dark brown brown then no. It may be on the style though. However, usually in the morning here is nothing on mine any. This is because your not standing up or running around as much. I would say hold on to an eye on it but it shouldn't be it.

Playtex Sport..waterproof?

yes. it prabably be. the first few times of her period may come across irregular because her body it adjusting to the change so for the next 6 days she might juss want to wear a panty liner.

For women lone.?

hmm. i think so ? ably, if in a few days time her length has not come out consequently, go see a doctor. dont verbs okay... relax (: & how old be she ? the period can come at the age from 9 i have a sneaking suspicion that.

Is there a spermicide out here that does not contain Nonoxynol-9?

it could have be or maybe she ripped her hpyhem

Is it possible to enjoy a pee test at the doctor vote yes to prego and a blood test utter no and still be prego?

sometimes that happens, its freshly a one off, its the passageway a womans body gets geared up for a period she probably wont start her period yet or up to a couple of monts a similar incident may occurr again its only her body getting ready

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