My eyes bleeding what should i do?

should i go to the doctor, put a bandaid on it, or only just let it bleed?

Hello i am a 13 year aged girl and i need some lend a hand on getting a motivation to sleep earlier on the week days.?

Definitely run to the hospital.

What is orgasm??does it have to do beside sex?

you should go to the hospital right presently if air get in your eye it will acquire worse and infected even worse you should go o the hospital right presently thats really serious

Need answers asap?

If the blood is coming from inside the eye you need urgent medical attention. Go to the ER.

I am losing mass very vigorous and i'm kinda worried?

go to the ER immediately. you stipulation to get that checked out back it gets infected or worse.

Drugs put in drinks?

go to ER in a minute

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