How several girl actually close to the stuf that shoots out of a guy when he orgasms?

I cant say what it is but i assume most of you can figure it out. Its white and creamy.


Blood within when urinating.please read!!?

Is this a serious question? Are are you tying to bring back a rise out of the answers you receive?
This is a question you can individual have answered by the partner you're near and not on the public internet.

Mirena-string lost?

its sperm and yeah...

If preganat and planning to abort should i tell the father?

i dont similar to it much but my boyfriend hates it more, he other wants me to lye contained by the wet patch and he complains around the mess after sex

Baaaad morning sickness?

Great question,
but I wouldn't know the answer. You better start a poll beside this one! Interesting for research.

But how many men resembling the woman to swallow that stuff?
Although some of my sites may feature this and heaps man are mad almost it, I'm not convinced women actually similar to it at all.

Clear discharge streaked next to pinkish blood?

its not very creamy, more gooey. If I approaching the guy then ya I similar to whats coming out of him

Surgery procedure to prevent you from getting pregnant?

Each and every one will like it . It is untaught.

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