My period last for 5 months (literally) why?

is there somethin wrong next to me? i mean i have it for 5 months and was afraid to put in the picture anyone..
now its gone but what if it comes stern? what do i do then?

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If you period have lasted for five months you inevitability to talk to your doctor ASAP. This is not well and your body could be losing a lot of iron.

This is not something you should come to Yahoo for. Talk to a medical professional immedately.

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are you on a form of birth control? it's not unheard of for the depo shot to caus this, I've be bleeding for over two months now because of it.

You may own something serious and should get checked out by a gyno.

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wow! you shoulve gone to the doctor after approaching a month. tell someone and travel now!

Question for ladies just please!!?

I have never hear of it lasting that long. that have to suck!! I feel you should bargain to a doctor or go to planned paternity

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Your period last for 5 months-... it's gone now... and you never asked a doctor to check what's wrong down in that? If you are not on the depot shot... definitely mention this to your doctor!

Period Problems?

A interval for 5 months is definitely unexpected. Alot of things can cause it including bleeding disorders, thyroid problems, polycystic ovaries etc. You unambiguously need to see a doctor. Bleeding that much can create anemia--which if left untreated can head to heart failure. Take consideration of yourself and tell someone.

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see a doctor. my sis have the same prob turned out to be cysts on her ovaries.

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If your term actually last for 5 whole months later yes something is wrong. If you period doesn't stop after 10 or more days you should see your doctor. You could own endometriosis or some ovarian cysts. Also if you are under or overweight this can affect your time of year. I'm not sure how old you are but if you are immature you should definitely share your parents. If your older than form an appointment right away with your gyno.

How long after finishing a course of progesterone should I experience a bleed?

Girl, you call for to go to the doctor. PLease cart care of it forthwith. My sis period last a long time one time..and she had some get checked! If you are too babyish, please dont be embarased tell someone!

Should i?.. please aid?

I just go through this for 38 days. I don't know how you've lasted for 5 months!! I hemmorraged for 35 of those days & go to the .e.r. twice & I have a full-size cyst on my ovary. I had endometriosis & have to have my endometrial inside layer cauterized. My ovary is coming out next week. You definatly necessitate to see a dr. asap. I was put on ample doses of iron for anemia. Take care of yourself!!

Birth control examine?

eat alot of iron,trust me it is better than iron shots in your butt!
i did not receive the shots yet but i hear it is panful.i have one and the same thing as you,if you want to settle more email me, [email protected] beats own alot of iron,yuck!!

Vaginal lumps?

I'm going to guess you r young and afraid...this is one of those things you entail to do even if you are afraid..GO TO YOUR DOCTOR NOW.. do it even if you are afraid.please .it's important.pick up that phone and telephone or go to a saunter in clinic immediately NOW.... I care..if I be your mom I'd take you .

Why is my interval very lashing?

get to a hospital you have to detail someone: If you are on birth control then it would be considered breakthrough bleeding, a brownish colored blood.

that isn't conventional you may also have a form of anemia, which would increase the bleeding.
move about tell someone please.!

Sit ups desperate for ovaries?

I would think that the best entry you could do is make an appointment to see a gynecologist.Don't be afraid of going. It may newly simply be something they can help you beside in the organization. Take the step and take of yourself. You will have a feeling so much better once you talk to someone going on for it. I am sure many other women own experienced the same entry. I will pray for you. I wish you adjectives the luck in the world

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Go and carry checked, It could be nothing or it could be serious something call cancer of the uterus.

If my mom started her period at 13 and im 13 will i start it too ?

you probably own a fibroid.

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How old are you? This is justly common among menopausal women, and regularly is the reason for a hysterectomy. But if you're a immature person, it's uncertain to let your term go on approaching that. Losing that much blood and iron isn't good. If your term goes beyond 2 weeks, you requirement to see the dr.

Is there any break of pregnancy? Just a shot in the shade kinda question, but it might not hurt to check.

I am not a medical professional, and my opinion are my own.

Period problems!?

U need to get to the doctor because I bleed for 4 months after I have my first child and terminated up being anemic...

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My question to you - when you notice your period continued former one week why didn't you tell a parent or someone you trust...and why didn;t you attain yourself to your doctor? Not only should your time not last more that 7 or 8 days but period that are excessively long or where in that is an unusually heavy flow could organize to Anemia. Even tho it is gone will come wager on...go see a doctor!

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