Vaginal lumps?

My daughter has a series of small raise lumps on the inside of her vaginal wall, pinkish in color, as well as one at the top the the vagina explicitly approx. 1/2 inch in length and oblong that is black. She without doubt refuses to see her (male) doctor in the order of this and there are no feminine doctors in this small town. She also have Hepatitis C. Does anyone know if this is something minor or should we be making arrangements to find a female gynocologist contained by a big city nearby. I don't hold much more details as I am only ratification along a description since I am her dad. We do have an unfold communication about sex and sexuality but I haven't truly SEEN the problem, naturally. She is 19 but remarkably shy. These lumps are a little frozen and raised from the skin. There is no misery or pain during urination. She IS sexually stirring with more than one partner. I know this sounds awful, but i'm trying to be as honest as possible so as to lend a hand her if I can. Any comment, anyone?


I can believe you how worried you are about your daughter's form. I suggest you read what I found on the web formerly deciding to travel to a female gynecologist (which I strongly reccommend surrounded by any case of a shy female) surrounded by any case I hope you can resolve soon this situation.

Is stress a contributing factor to ovarian cysts?

I would recommend a female gyn for this issue, not just because she's shy but she may actually be more comfortable conversation to a female dr.

I prefer womanly gyns myself.

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