
i had sex (used condom) on the 14th and ever since the morn after when i woke up i have some spotting (a little bit of brown blood) in my panties. and then this morning i woke up and like thing (i didnt own sex last night) but it dont arise during the day i go to sleep and then i wake up up and its there? what could this be? b/c i have sex last week too w/ out a condom but he did not finish in me. am i pregnant? is this approaching period symtoms? my boobs own been hurting too and they are massively tender? please help me. Thanks

I am 45 years feeble. How shall I develop my bust-line from 32" to 36"?

uh-mm if you think you are in recent times get a pregnancy trial . And if you don't want to do that see a doctor.

Period troubles?

You should go see your physician.

A give somebody the third degree about my spell?

You could be pregnant and just because he did not finish in you does not scrounging that you are not pregnant take a interview or check in next to a doctor!! plan parent hood is good too!!

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