Ok tomarrow i hold a doctors appointment and i have my spell im 13 what should i exspect?

um yea i just want to no if im going to enjoy to take my pant off or anything i a moment ago dont want to feal compleately awkward

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What did your mother or other responsible full-grown in charge of your concern say when you asked him/her?

That said, if this for a gyn exam, you shouldn't be going while you're have your period unless the exam is directly related to [it] and the timing is considerable. If it's not a gyn exam, then the answer to your request for information is 'No'.

The first respondent is wrong: you don't get a pelvic exam with the sole purpose for Pap smears.

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It's normal for someone your age to perceive that way. If you surface uncomfortable near a male doctor, try to switch to a womanly doctor. You can refuse the papsmear(why you would own to take your pant off) and tell them you are making arrangements to see a feminine doctor. Doctors see that type of thing everyday. My husband works at the hospital, and he see naked girls adjectives the time, and he says noone ever looks at their body and bench them.

Is two periods within one month normal?

Depends what the appontment is for. It might be neccessary, but you enjoy the right to refuse.
Just explain if you call for to, a good doctor will take in.
Maybe you could ask to be examined by a lady doctor if that would back.
Or ask at reception if you could have a word near the nurse first and she will probably tell you more of what to expect.

Can anybody minister to me?

It would really help to know what the appointment is for. A 13 yo mostly doesn't need to travel to a GYN unless they are planning to have sex and have need of birth control or if there are problems.

Nuvaring and spotting?

Well, if it is a gyno exam, since you hold your period, the doctor probably wont do a pap smear. I own gone to the gyno with my extent and since it was the closing day he (yes, its a mannish doctor) was ok beside it. You don't have to be sexually alive to go to a gyno. First is the consult and he will ask you almost your last interval, or if your sexually active..be completely honest!!
Then you dance to the exam room and the doc will ask you to get undressed and put on the newspaper robe. (he will leave the room while you undress) if it is a masculine doctor, there will be a feminine nurse in the room the entire time. And you can hold a parent in at hand with you as economically. They will weigh you and take your largeness. They may or may not ask you to pee in a cup-- it depends on how stocky your period is and doctor policy. the doc will own you lay down and put your legs up. first he will do the breast exam-- it lasts just about 30 seconds-- he will be checking for any lumps. Then he will insert two fingers into your "Area" and press on your lower stomach-- again checking for lumps or irregularities. If he does do the pap smear, he will insert this metal thing that looks resembling a duck's beak. it is uncomfortable at first, but simply relax! then he will insert this wand that looks approaching a mascara brush and he will brush the inside of your cervix--again this exam only last about 30 second. it is uncomfortable...but isnt horribly bumpy. After that (if he doesnt take blood) you're pretty much done!

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