Is it o k to just stop taking antidipressants in one walk?

I stopped about 2 weeks ago and grain fine except for a bit of dizziness

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Anti depressants take several weeks to build up within your system so that work at their most effectiveness. Because of this a physician will other recommend that you slowing come off of it or it could result within medical problems. The dizziness you are experiencing is more than likely a side affect of a fast withdrawal from the meds. Other side affects can ensue so contact your physician and see what they recommend. Also remember it takes time for this drug to dissapate from your system so you might not be awareness ok later. Normally it take 2-3 weeks before it is completely gone.

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you shouldn't have. you're supposed to cut down little by little, especially if you be taking anything over a starting dosage. it's pretty dangerous (physically and mentally) to newly stop cold-turkey.

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No, you really should taper off of them. This should be done below medical supervision to prevent withdrawal-type side effects. I think you should check beside your prescriber, just to be on the not detrimental side.

I think i get my period i dont know can someone minister to me?

No, it's not a good hypothesis. I speak from expercience. You could have a relapse and entwine up takin them again. Ween off them slowly.

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Anti-depressants are over prescribed contained by the western world, that does not mean you should stop taking a prescription lacking medical advice. If you be prescribed them and started taking them, you should stop taking them under medical advisory. If you quality better off them after two weeks it does not preclude you from refusal side effects in the adjectives. Having said all that, your body is yours to do near as you see fit, unless it harms others if you are not, there is no judgment you need to be medicated. And if you grain depressed without them you may find other ways of dealing near that, healthy actions, exercise and good food can do wonders. Having a purpose to be happy as capably should help as ably. Good luck.

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