What does this sound approaching to you?

Okay my last extent was on may 5th. Since around mid may I hold noticed adjectives sorts of things: 1.a stage fright type of feeling have taken over my lower stomach and abdomen, 2. I am tired ALL THE TIME, the first entry i do when i get home is capture in bed lol, 3. my trunk is stuffy constantly ( no matter how tons times a day i blow it), 4. for days gone by week or so ive been have this headache that i cant get rid of, 5. my moods hold gotten out of control and i pretty much cry everyday ( even when i dont know why im crying) lol, 6. my ingestion habits own changed, im either adjectives or completly not interested in food.. 7. my hands are tingly adjectives the time, around june 20th i had a desk light tinge when i wore a panty liner it would only be a drop on it at finish of day, consequently after 2 days of this i started light bleeding (only using one wad a day) for 2 days, with slight cramping, zilch like my length though, there extremly heavy( a wad every hour or 2) with vastly bad cramps.

Recently have a miscarriage and doctor said that it would be good to use birthcontrol?


Underarm sweat problems.?

Please, only go to the doctor.


Sounds resembling a combo of things. Those being: anxiety, pregnancy, stress. Have you be stressing over something or nervous in the order of something? Sometimes when you're stressed or you're not eating properly, your term will not come. The first thing you should do is pocket a home pregnancy test and also build an appointment with your doctor.

Hope this help.

Can women get orgasms from exercising? What exercises? My Friends influence it's true, but i dont believe them.?

Firstly are you sleeping with someone? You could be pregnant but later again you should not be bleeding, not even a drop. Secondly are you working, going to school or is here something that puts you under greatly of stress? I once was tardy with my interval but it was due to the certainty that I was beneath a lot of stress and the moment I have my period I be suffering a lot beside cramps. I would suggest that you go to your GP for a checkup.

Bigger boobs after one on the pill?

eeewooouch, you poor old point. could it be toxic shock from sanitary wear? That is only a frenzied guess so best go to your doctor.
Take your chronicle to the nurse at the surgery and let her read it, relating her 'It is all to much to influence, but it is a good description'.
Go one receive some NHS sympathy and care.

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