Ive Had a Yeast Infection For About 3-1/2 Months Now Ive Treated It 4 Times But it Wont Go Away.. HELP!!?


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This is my husband's screen moniker. I had that exceptionally problem and battled yeast for a few years. I hold a biology degree and did lots of research and switched doctors back resooving this. So here is a lot of insist on:

The hormones in birth control pills "feed" yeast.

Your sex partner may harbor yeast contained by his seminal vesicals (where his seman comes from) and be repeatedly passing it to you.

Cut out the sugar contained by your diet including artificial sweeteners which "feed" the yeast.

Add 2 cups of white vinegar to your bath wet to make your skin more sharp and more difficult for yeast to grow. You won't smell like vinegar, trust me.

Wear white cotton underwear and bleach them, boil them, microwave them damp for 5 minutes, or hang them contained by the sun to dry. Sunlight kills yeast. Add vinegar to your rinse cycle.

Change your underwear when humid. Change sanitary pads commonly.

Take extra precaution just up to that time your cycle. As estrogen kicks up contained by your body, the hormone "feeds" the yeast.

Don't use antibacterial soap, including on your hands. This kill normal germs which keeps things in check.

Don't reuse hip bath towels. Treat them the same as your underwear.

I know this is profoundly of stuff, but getting this under control is worth it. With me it is mostly controlling my sugar and sweetener intake. I have a recurrance after the birth of my son when I was breastfeeding (thrush) on my breasts and in his mouth. That is even more difficult to erradicate as milk contains sugars and most thrush medication for infants are sweetened.

Good Luck!

What exactly is a yeast infection? And how do you get one?

how fruitless does it look now?

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It that`s why might not be a yeast infection
many things can mimic a yeast infection
near are very adjectives STD's (clamidia) that mimic yeast infections and can be picked up even with non-penile intercourse. be in motion to your docotr or planned parenthood because not treating soemthing resembling this can cause hugely harmful condition effects lateragainst

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Seems like it may be time to unstop up a bakery...

But seriously, find a better Ob/Gyn would be a great place to start, or at least phone up Ask A Nurse, or talk next to a female pharmacist.

Good luck.

Pregnancy immensity? anyone else battle this?

It could be from your tub soap, It could be from your partner- yes men get yeast infections too, It could be from the panties you are wearing- during a yeast infection you should other wear cotton underwear, your jeans could be too tight and cause your cootchie to sweat. Sorry decision I could help but theres some things for ya

Would Cardizem LA and Phentermine and stress mess near my cycle? I am 6 days late.?

Sounds resembling you need a prescription strength madication. See your GYN, they can administer you a cream and a pill to take to assistance balance you put money on out. Oh and have your boyfriend or husband treated to, if you hold had sex next to them while having it, it is potential they have it too. And most men won't perceive the difference.

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You may not own the type of yeast infection that can be treated by over the counter medicine. Also do not whip a bath near a child you will get a type of yeast infection explicitly awful. microwave all under-ware or take new ones once treatment is done. Certain types of under-ware may maintain more heat surrounded by and cause you to itch more. bottom dash is are you treating it or a doctor? I would see a doctor if you haven't. The other thing is toilet weekly. Make sure to use unscented since scented can make you itch if your skin in that nouns is to sensitive to it. Hope this helps.

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eat yogurt 2x a day

Small discharge?

drink lots of cranberry liquid, see your doctor, I have diabetes and when my blood sugar level are too high too masses times I get a yeast infection, also taking antibiotics give me a yeast infection

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Do you truly have the white discharge or merely the itching? Read up on Lichen Sclerosis.

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Maybe you can try yogurt. Yogurt can help to maintain the vagina area fighting fit by maintaining the inherent pH of the vagina. But remember that only plain unflavored yogurt can cure this infection. Do not use flavored yogurt. You are supposed to drink the yogurt and not placing them inside the vagina. Besides that, cranberries can also be used as a natural treatment to cure yeast infection. There are heaps people who drink pure cranberry liquid to cure their yeast infection. Try not to take sugar because sugar will promote the growth of yeast, and also try not to give somebody a lift the food that containing yeast.
Hope this helps . Take safekeeping.

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