Do you guess girls step through more things within puberty than boys?
Answers: i muse they do...i think its so undue what girls hav to go thru and if u travel thru how many things gils progress thru compared to boys
but im a girl so i dunno wetha its difficult 4 boys
also if a lad says its bleak for lads...giv him an idea of wot girls run thru!
Yes!! I think that girls' change are certainly more profound.
And I judge that if you go step-by-step, afterwards yes girls DO have more things going on.
And afterwards if you take into consideration the social stigma of adjectives the changes girls enjoy to face (breast growth or scarcity, weight gain, period - again or lack), then it is a far more emotionally, psychologically, and socially trying time than what boys hold to manage.
More, I hold no idea. But nowhere practical as strongly, I promise that! yes
i'm pretty sure its about duplicate. people parley about how unacceptable it is for a girl in puberty...and i can describe you for sure it is.but some boys dont have it much easier, squeeky voice, "clock cock" or indiscriminate erections (talk about a social stigma) drizzling dreams, hairiness, etc. so..i am pretty sure it is about duplicate. Yes, and I also think they step through more things in vivacity. Menopause, periods, PMS, childbirth, and developing breasts during puberty. Compared to that, guys own it easy!