What the sign of pregnancy?


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I have never be pregnant, so I can only put in the picture you what my mom and friends have told me. You become sick to the stomach during one and the same time everyday (not necessarily in the morning), your breasts are tender and may show more vein in them, and you become bloated (almost close to you are about to start your period). I know I don't know much, but I needed to tell you what I have heard.

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Missed extent, sore breasts, increased appetite, just to describe a few! There is no sure sign until you have a pregnancy assessment by a doctor.

Good luck!

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hey christine ... near are many signs of pregnancy ... the most unmistakable one being the stoppage of period ... early morning sickness also affects roughly 75% of all pregnant women .... backpain and leg cramps are also signs

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the most blatant is a missed period. if you aren't tardy yet or your time of year is very irregular - here are tons of little signs of which you could have several or without doubt none. the most common are fatigue, nausea (maybe resembling your're getting the flu), breast tenderness, some individuals have aversions to food the generally love (or harmful things resembling alcohol), or cravings for things they don't very rash in pregnancy, but that usually comes subsequent. some tests do work in the past your missed period in a minute. but don't assume a negative is correct. if you stir past when you expect your term - test again. depending on your doctor they may do a blood check for you but most don't want to waste their time until you enjoy a positive home test. for immediately, assume you are and make on top form choices - no alcohol, little or no caffiene, etc.

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sometimes there are no signs. I other have a unpunctually period and of late stopped getting it all together.

When did you lose it?

Missed interval, of course, tender breast and possibly some slight abdominal cramping attitude. But to be sure, there are test now that can detect pregnancy in 2 weeks of conception.


Morning sickness that can hit you at any time during the day but happen about indistinguishable time each light of day, increased sense of smell for example you are easily effect by scents and odors, the requirement to pee a lot, sore breasts, increase in breast size.

If you've missed your interval you can get an over the counter try-out or go to your doctor or clinic for a blood trial. Blood tests are the most accurate.

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From wat I've read and heard from my mom and others it's dry vomiting , nausea, inadequacy and feeling uneasy next to irritation in the first 2 months...moody and tired but these are depending on how ur body is built up. it differs from women to women and it's genetic. Newayz my mom said she didn't have a feeling like intake anything had be on a vomiting spree an said even if she smelled anything she'd feel sick. But she had no tiredness, no cramps nil which wud be tiring her off or irritating her nor be she moody. So it depends on every womens constitution.

Ofcourse the periods stop thats the first sign of knowing if one is pregnant.

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