Slight stomach ache?

Haven't started my first period,but the stomach ache are not bad and they are at the lower bit of my abdomen.I enjoy these pains like every other hours of daylight but today they seem purely a bit worse.Does it have to do beside starting periods?

And while you are at it please answer a further thing,I am developing,similar to I have adjectives the signs that I will get my term soon except hair below armpits and my breasts are developing except they are not getting rounder or fuller,could I still get my period any time soon?I find a tiny spots of red in my pant but regularly.
I feel a bit awkward asking this give somebody the third degree but I just want to know from general public who experienced this stuff,I want to be well prepared and don't enunciate that I should ask my mum,I do but I don't get plentifully of information(need more lol)!Thank you all profoundly!!

I have a interrogate about the depo shot?

Honey.. Let me transmit ya, I had my extent and I didn't even know what hit me. I thought I was bleeding to passing on the toilet.I ran to my mom and she told me what it be and said "stick this pad on your underwear". I did and it last 3-4 days. Don't be worried about your breasts.. They'll even grasp BIGGER as time goes on. Moms don't close to to talk going on for it.. I don't know why. My Mom anyways... It was close to, "you're supposed to know". Please don't use tampons. I don't like them and in that is a risk of TSS- TOXIC SHOCK SYNDROME. If you're starting to bleed just snatch a maxi out of your moms stash and wear it in your underwear. You're a brave girl for asking these question.

Opinions on breast implants?

good examine. i had that too be4 i started my term. u should be prepared becuz ur period can start anytime! seriously. if u touch like ur just about to start ur period that cart a pad near u where ever u move about. FYI when ur boobs are developing u may feel awkward but when they are truly full it's great!! lol. guys pay more attention to u. (actually if u where on earth a cleavage shirt they js stare at ur boobs. ^^) being a minor is awkward esp. for girls because of our period and etc. relate ur mom about it or possibly one of ur friends mite have started.? hope i kinda help.

If you're a fortune teller help out!?

the slight stomach aches will accure up to that time you start your period after you hold your period a couple times the cramps woun't hurt as much but if that doesn't facilitate drink a glass of marine with lemon liquid that works with me

Can you be aware of a blood clot in your uterus?

Thats a sign that a extent could be on its way!! The red spots contained by your pants could be ovulation, otherwise agreed as "spotting". That is a sign that you could get your extent in approaching 2 weeks. Visit

Its a good verbs to learn something like your changing body.

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