My girl part (vagina) feel funny?

its kinda itchy and feels actual odd I meditate its sick and I have to urinate alot and simply a little comes out.But my vagina is only just icky feeling.

I own been useing foam birth control and I dont know if its from that.

Period request for information?

its UTA. Urinary Tract INfection. You should go to the docter as soon as you can do it can turn into liver problems. It happened to my little sister, she described matching thign as you just did. For temp. relif drink some cranberry liquid. It really does help. The docter doesnt hold to check you or anything you just own to pee in a cup.

What does it be determined when your blood work shows you have really low platelets?

Ask a doctor. Maybe you're allergic to something. Go to a doctor right a means of access.

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