Please solitary read this question if u are develop,understanding and ample time to explain better.?

I am so confuse on my time (mensuration) I have it Jan, feb, demonstration and comes normally for 5-6days every month, but on april, may i didn't enjoy it and i was so worried and i go for check up for the pregnancy test which comes out distrustful. Will my period comes stern to normal or it will be similar to that forever. Can anyone tell me what is going on to me.

Please i want a reasonable answer.

Would it surprize you that a woman who is not decipherable with her anatomy can still pleasure herself?

If you've other been regular it should move about back to common, could easily be something as simple as stress cause you to skip. But if you miss another one you might want to check with a doctor basically to be sure there isn't some underlying problem. Age can clear a big difference too. I wasn't regular until I was 21.

My period is super-light why?

You might be beneath stress. Or you might doing too much excercise.

Your post pregnancy bodylove it or hate it?

How infirm are you?

It's not uncommon for younger women to not own regular cycles. Also, things such as weight gain or loss, stress, and focal changes to lifestyle can explanation some irregularity as well.

What is the smallest size a woman would except ?

Too doomed to failure you didn't list your age, how long you've have periods, and dietary behaviour. Stress can really affect your body and make it skip period. Also, extreme exercise, and or lack of food can stop period.
Also, because you said you went for a pregnancy interview, this tells me that you are not taking supervision of yourself sexually. Please, get on the pill AND use condoms both.
Talk to your doctor going on for your skipping periods as this can aim fibroids. Do not worry, they are not toxic, but please talk to the doctor.

Why r guys so scrounging!?

Have you lost a lot of counterweight recently? Menstruation requires you to hold a certain body large % to continue. Sometimes a adapt in diet- missing a confident nutrient can cause it. You could enjoy a hormone issue and it could return to normal next or might need treatment from a specialist. It could be stress cause it. It could be anemia. The reasons could be unrelenting.

Whats mastuerbating?

were you stressed? did you change you environment? little society know that when you start hanging around a exotic crowd, meanning new family into your life resembling co-workers things like that you period all start to transform to becoming in that own cycle {all of you will have the length around the say time of month its werid.} and if your within school and conceivably a break came when you be'nt around the same ancestors ypur body could of got comnfused females endow with off hormones and they dont even know it signalling other females and males hormaones to work together amazingly strange stuff there is a site of 2 women doctors who are great berman and berman .com look them up the own all the answers you ever needed and didnt want to know about a womans body righteous luck

I had unprotected sex 9 days after spell can i be pregnant?

First of all congratulations on the mass loss.your period is behind time due to your body changes from the counterweight metabolism is getting faster witch will off set your chemicals contained by your body...once your body is used to the dieting you should have your length again...just spawn sure you use protection when having sex...appropriate luck...

Cervical Erosion - operation, more information please!?

go to your doctor again and see if he can check your tyroid. it is probably hormonal imbalances that could be suspended with medication.

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