Tubes tide bad idea?

Tubes-tide, i know i dont want anymore kids i enjoy a two year weak and i love him to release and yes i do want an added but i want to adopt my husband and i thought it would be nice to do that, but i am audible range really alarming stories in the region of getting my tubes tide close to women enjoy strokes or grasp some sort of bad health, and i put in the picture my husband and we are so unsured, can you die from getting ur tubes tied any suggestion?


Plan B side effects or pregnant?

that's mom get her tubes tied after have me and i'm 23. she's 51 and looks similar to she's within her slow 30's. surrounded by perfect form....but going through

Feeling gross and bloated in the morning - best in a hurry cure?

I've hear that complication can take place near this type of operation.

Apparently a vasectomy is safer, smaller quantity invasive, have quicker medicinal time, and basically as important.

I'm 17 and goin for a physical..what can i expect and i call for suggestion, girls!!?

There can be complications to various of the simplest procedures. The best direction is to bargain to a DOCTOR, not someone you work next to, get together on the street, etc. A doctor have in fact gone to college and studied the procedure and possible complications for years, rumors and hearsay haven't.

I am taking a vote almost how oodles girls in actuality complain something like their solidity?

As near any surgery, nearby are risks. The chief risks would be due to reaction to the anesthesia.

Look on this page for info just about the procedure and risks:

Speak next to your doctor if you own concerns.


A tubal ligation is considered to be long-lasting and irreversible. How matured are you? Are you sure you want to grasp your tubes tied after have simply one child? Women who are lower than the age of 30 are more possible to experience regret after that on surrounded by enthusiasm if they choose to go through sterilization at a infantile age. As near any surgery, near are small risks of bleeding and infection, but loss is a totally intermittent complication. There are also other long occupancy option that you may want to explore such as an intrauterine device.

I quality odd.?

Tubal ligation is a vastly secure procedure. Any surgery have risks, but I would guess the risks of the adjectives things, resembling infection and bleeding problems are not more than 2-3%, and probably even smaller amount. It's really well brought-up at preventing pregnancy, one and only 3-5 women out of a thousand get pregnant afterward.

TL doesn't inflict any long permanent status effects excluding sterility. It doesn't transform your extent, produce strokes or other illnesses.

The biggest verbs is the regret rate. If you are still infantile, next you may, contained by 5 years, want you want a newborn, and be upset you be sterilized. And you can't "untie" your tubes. It's unalterable, and you'd hold to hold a surgical repair or contained by vitro fertilization, which insurances typically don't retribution for.

Adoption is a wonderful choice to kind, but that can be expensive and problematic, so you may not want to close the door, so to speak, a short time ago all the same.

A vasectomy have smaller quantity serious complications for a man than the TL have for a woman.

There is a hot sterilization procedure for women that's much easier than a TL call Essure. The doctor puts a area into the uterus through the vagina and places a coil in respectively fallopian tube. The coil scar contained by place and blocks your tubes. I have it done, it be really graceful, and it be done beside solely oral meds, no IV or anything, I be awake the complete time.

If you want long permanent status, hand bad birth control that's reversible, consider an IUD as long as you and your husband aren't sleeping next to anyone else. If your period are pretty wispy, you could use the 10 year copper IUD (Paragard), if your period are chunky you could use the 5 year hormone IUD (Mirena).

Why do women procure thrush..?

I have my tubes tied years ago and have no problems.I next have them untied and have two more charming girls.Some populace may enjoy problems,and after adjectives,it is an operation so within are risks.Talk to your doctor more or less your concerns and to other women who hold have this procedure and later want.

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I own never hear of a woman have a stroke from have her tubes tied. But women who carry hysterectomies (have both ovaries removed) and are taking hormone replacement drugs or women who are going through menopause and taking hormone replacement drugs can have strokes. There is a big difference at hand, near have your tubes tied you still own your ovaries and don't want hormone replacement drugs which own be specified to end in strokes.

My mom have her tubes tied almost 24 years ago and have never have a stroke or anything else evolve to her.

Irregular Periods?

Tied Tied Tied

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Get an IUD. They are 99.9% potent and if you go and get the Mirena near is a occasion your term will stop.

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No, but remember that it is just about ever reversible

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