I hold on to getting thrush symptoms but the swabs always come up denial?
Im 26 and i cant grasp pregant? besides sex what are some goods meds i can lift to help me?
Hi in that I have alike thing..from research and audible range about other girls probs I deem It may be Bacterial Vaginosis.
Alot of girls go to their GP next to thrush and it "gets treated" but really it doesn't...I own my sympoms for a year and only getting myself sorted presently cos I moved docs.
I would say move about back to your gp or see another one if you can at your Gp's Practice and right to be heard you have done some research and your symptoms are NOT going away and and so your NOT going to go away and you want to be checked for BV.
You shouldn't hold to put up with that.
Hope that help! :-)
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