I be taking Lo-estrin 24 birth control ..?

I was taking Lo estrin 24 birth controls pills but not long stopped. I found myself gaining mass and that bothered me. Also I wasn't having sex so I didn't perceive it was important to use. Even while I was on Lo estrin 24, I other used a condom as well. For almost 2 or 3 months in a row while on Lo estrin 24, my time of year was almost non-existent. My pharmacist said that be normal. But not long I just go off of it, And my time hasn't come yet, but is this typical... I have other used a condom, 100% of times! But even when I was younger my time of year was other IRREGULAR. is this still normal though?

Question on prometrium?

Your body want time to adjust to the hormonal changes due to your stopping taking BC pills. So hand over it sometime and if in 2-3 month time nought has changed perchance you ought to consult your gynecologist.

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