The pill and when it 'covers' you?

does the pill still work , say on the ultimate day of your 'break' or the first year you start taking it after the break ?v

is there a lower randomness of it working if you happen to rob it a [maximum of] hour late?

What should I do?!?

the pill works if it prevents you from releasing an egg that month, you can with the sole purpose get pregnant a few days out of respectively month. If you take satisfactory birth control regularly you trick your body into thinking it's pregnant so you don't release an egg. wether taking it late or missing a afternoon will effect it or not will vary from entity to person, but an hour isn't really anything

Females who are in a minute above 50 years old and be circumcised by removing entire clitoris any chance to retrieve

Yes, the pill prevents pregnancy during the entire cycle, including during your "break" and the first light of day starting a new pack provided you be taking the pill correctly the whole time previously the "break."

There is a Slightly lower chance of it working if you hold it an hour late. Combination pills largely have a 24hr pane of efficacy (meaning you can take it 24 hours belated and still be okay), but mini pills (or progestin only pills) require more exactness next to time. Read through the info that came near your pill pack, it'll tell you what to do if you miss a pill. Usually though, if it's inside 8-12 hours, just appropriate the missed pill and continue your run of the mill schedule the following year. If it's 24 hours late, filch the missed pill AND the pill for the current day. You really should read what come with your specific pill freshly to be sure though.

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