So am I pregnant?

I live in france, i'm english but i have no model what to do
if i find out i'm pregnant... yes, i've had sex near my boyfriend,
unprotected but he didn't ejaculate in me.
is it possible i'm pregnant and does anyone know the law of france and abortions? (i'm under 18 don't want my parents to enjoy to know)
the first one to find this out for me i'll put as my best answer :) thank youuu!


first and foremost / having sex/ does breed /babies / if you /do /not want /children/ at this time / take pills/ use condoms/ and /if you /happen /to obtain pregnant /take the responsibility /of/ your actions / don't /kill the child/ if you /don't want it /give it up/ for adoption /

Priod remaining one day?

it is definetly possible

Do guys gain periods?

if you entail advice email me at [email protected] for guidance

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Here you go:
The French ancestral planning organisation (Planning Familial) is responsible for providing information on contraception, abortion (avortement), sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS (SIDA). The website (in French) is comprehensive and provides information relevant to all regions of France: Planning Familial website

Termination of pregnancy (IVG) is legal within France up to 12-weeks after conception. There is one week period of compulsory "reflection" prior to termination, except in an urgent overnight case where this can be reduced to two days.

Minors (girls lower than 18) and unmarried women must meet near a counsellor during the week prior to the process and in the days immediately after.

Minors do not entail parental consent, however they must be accompanied by and mature (person over 18 years) throughout the procedure. Single women do not need to provide the agreement of the partner. A non-resident company to France may legally own a pregnancy terminated while in France.

Some people enjoy put you wrong, you can have an abortion up to 12 weeks gestation, however culture seeking an abortion after this time period must own their unborn fetus suffering with a disease or disability for the doctors to abort it, as the elder the fetus gets, the more credible the child is able to live outside the uterus. So would technicially be murder.

Hope that help, good luck! ;-)

I mast---ate sometimes but take nothing out of it. i want to hold an o how do i do it.?

In France, abortion is legal until the 10th week of pregnancy, after which "two physicians must certify that the woman’s form is endangered or the fetus is handicapped" for it to be decriminalized. But I suggest just taking a pregnancy examination to see if you're really pregnant. If your boyfriend didn't ejaculate in you, it's smaller number likely that you are pregnant but still possible, since some sperm may enjoy reached 'at hand' anyway. If you aren't pregnant, remember to use protection in adjectives!

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