I stipulation an answer asap. plz answer if you know women?

me and my hubby were trying to conceive but i own these irregular cycles. i came on my spell may 7th and it ended on may 12th immediately i'm back on and bleedin really really unwieldy and have desperate cramps.( i never bleeded this heavy) we had unprotected sex adjectives this month.i detected my ovulation& fertile days on the calender and we also had unprotected sex on those days .

do you guess this bleeding is a normal bleeding from irregular period? or could this be a sign of miscarriage.? could i still be pregnant?

i know that i i have no problem conceiving and i plan on going to the doctor when i achieve off work but if you hold any answers on what could cause the bleeding and could i still be pregnant.

Girls: Have you ever hit a guy in the testicles?

It is majority to have change in your flow. Heavier bleeding itself, is not indicative of a miscarriage. It sounds resembling you're just have a heavy time of year and you have nought to worry in the region of. I don't think that you are pregnant.

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It sounds like a miscarriage. Go to the ER, immediately. They can tell for sure. You'll entail a D&C so you don't get an infection. An infection could move out you unable to hold children.
Leave work early. GO . NOW.

If a girl bleeds delicately after sex sometimes does this mean she have an std or something wrong?

cramps and bleeding in between periods is sometimes cause by std's

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It sounds close to you are doing the best thing by going to the doctor. Can you try to gain in more rapidly today and get sour of work early? If you are soaking through one wad an hour then you want to be seen sooner. I enjoy irregular periods also and enjoy been diagnosed near Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and also Hypothyroidism. You might want to discuss getting your doctor to do bloodwork to test you for hormonal disorders. I would meditate with a miscarriage you would be have a significant amount of pain (enought so that you couldn't be at work). Good luck to you!

Girls oblige please!!!!!**?

You can still bleed and be pregnant. In fact i know a women who be still having what she thought be a cycle and went to the doctor thinking she have the flu and she was 4 months pregnant. She have a healthy 3 year feeble daughter. But the best thing is walk to the doctor.

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By have such a heavy flow it is severely unlikely that if you were pregnant you still are. I'm not sure if the weighty flow means that you be pregnant or not. I have other been irregular and every once within a while I have period that flow like near's no tomorrow. It could just be your body doing it's own item. I'm glad you have an appointment today merely to make sure.

Good luck next to everything!

When is the right time to have sex lacking protection before or after ur length?

The symptoms you are decribing are how i felt when i go through all three of my miscarriages...
With my first i thought i started my time, it was ordinary and extremely light ((which mine regularily are)) though it last way longer than majority..My periods usually second 5 days but mine was still going on the closing stages of the second week, later one darkness i started getting unbearable stomach pains i tight it hurt so bad..It last well over 4 hours..Finally the pains started to alleviate...I went to the hospital the subsequent day who told me i be 5 months pregnant and they diagnosed me with threatened pregnancy, i go back 2 times a week to check my level of HCG..Unfortunately i lost the baby at 6 months.

Miscarriage is possible but also save in mind here can be so many other things going on and it's a accurate thing that your going to see the doctor as soon as you gain off, do not skulk.
Good luck!

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