Is this exercise on form for my boyfriend and I?

I get a cardio workout and he get an abs workout.
Is it too dangerous or is it dutiful.
Please explain and Thanks.

What do you think this may be (doctors single please)?

lol are you serious?

that is SO chancy for him!! i mean, seriously, you could deface his digestive system, your stomach is like, your most sensitive place, it houses most of your organs, besides the ones surrounded by your chest. Or, you could even hurt his ribs if you fall or catch too off impartial from his stomach... ahh!

Sorry, but is there anything which really increase our height above sea level n that's natural n free from side effects?

Uhhh.. ouch!

Why do my breasts itch when I run running?

HAHA! You must be retarded! First of all, that wouldn't do any righteous as a cardio or ab workout. Second, you're going hurt him jumping on his stomach. Stop one morons and join a gym... or at lowest run around your neighborhood.

I got my time on APRIL 14 07 and like this month i didnt carry it why?


Does taking acyclovir every day interfere near the effectiveness of the birth control pill? (ortho tricyclen)?

lol FEEL THE BURN! and if his intestines come up through his mouth simply start shouting NO PAIN NO GAIN!!

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