Question about inverted nipples...serious answers single, please!?

Are inverted nipples usually less sensitive to stimulation than "regular" nipples? Mine are completely inverted, and they don't respond when I try to stimulate them. Am I doing it wrong? I don't enjoy a problem getting stimulated "down there."

Thanks for any give support to!

If I don't eat seafood,I am so mortified?

You can try to correct your inversion by supporting your breast with one paw and rolling the nipple between your finger and thumb on your other hand. If doing that doesn't minister to, then you can try breast shields. They use them for breastfeeding moms beside this problem and it kind of forces the nipple to re-train. You can find them at pregnancy shops, or online.
Good luck!

My friend hasn't have her period for 10 months!!?

all the women surrounded by my family enjoy the same problem basically try to rub your nipple and that should work =]

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