I judge I am on the verge of anyone OBESE.?

I am 13, 5 feet 6 and I weigh nearly 170. Is this bad? PLEASE TELL ME IF I NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT AND HOW (details)



Why i own no period?

assist your self. stop worrying about what you weigh! you are much to infantile to be fretting over this. you are old adequate however to start making good choice for yourself. so simply stop drinking junk food! stop drinking sodas right away even diet!
mostly start getting involved! find a sport you like, even if it's merely walking or riding your bike.
now is the time surrounded by your life when you lock contained by healthy pattern. you are in charge of yourself! what you put surrounded by your mouth is your choice! so drink water and do something fun and stirring with your friends. please stop focusing on your counterbalance! it is a bad obsession that will never ever lead you anywhere positive. focus instead on your make-up and what you enjoying doing.

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The grill is... do YOU think you requirement to lose weight? If so, consider going on Jenny Craig. That what I used and presently I'm just similar to Kirsty. LOL But seriously, if you are going to do it, then summer is the best time. It's other hard but summer make it easier to eat the foods you should be ingestion and do what you need to do. However, anything method you use, you are going to have to work thorny. No dieting while you play on your computer and watch TV, munching goodies adjectives the while.

Switch to diet colas, eat fruit instead of candy, own your mother buy baked chips instead of the regular grease covered ones. Have a chicken salad instead of a double cheeseburgar at McDonalds. stuff like that. Good luck!!

Oh and don't listen to answers close to the second and third below me. They are rude and you don't need that benevolent of stuff. Do you have a friend who is really athletic? Maybe ask him/her to support you out. If they are really your friend, I'm sure they would be happy to aid you. Ask them to go bike riding or jog or swimming. Anything that keeps you moving, and keep you active.

Am i overweight?

You are a bit on the soaring side for your height but not too discouraging. You should cut back on your portions, check the food you are consumption to make sure you are making pious choices for fat content and try to procure as much exercise as you can every day.

Is 101pounds too overweight for 13?

Yes you stipulation to lose weight.

Its call being responsible. Stop stuffing your frontage with crap and start drinking better. Also, get stale your butt and do something outside. Its called riding a bike, going for a put your foot, hiking...

you dont 'need to lose counterweight' you need a lifestyle renovate

GIRLS ONLY.. I'm having issues beside my period..?

OMG! You are overweight! The run of the mill weight for you would be 130 or 135! You hold to eat frequent vegetables and fruits to lose some of the weight. AND EXCERCISE! ALSO drink a lot of river!

My vagina?

Baby your on your way.Eat what you want surrounded by little portions, and use the best exercise tool in the world.Your own body. totter walk meander you see how the pounds drop.

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