Giving birth on posterior in hospital bed, not optimal position for human birth... why is it most adjectives?

We did not evolve to have our legs up surrounded by the air, and be lay on our back. why is this the most adjectives position for women to give birth that I've see?

I know midwifes & dulas will discourage this position, and encourage supported squatting, or anyone on all fours... etc.

But why do Medical Doctors & hospitals still use this method, when the anatomy doesnt seem to be to fit with the position of lying on one's pay for to give birth?

DEPO shot?

Excellent query. I don't have a great answer, but I enjoy a good view.

The same as why men went on a crusade against 'witches' (being midwives, thinker, womena who could read) they decided surrounded by their infinite wisdom Men Know Best. Same root why so many "doctors" make a contribution c-sections rather than work thru the untaught process of childbirth. Now Mothers are starting to speak up, and telling doctors what they do and do not want.

I believe I'll be penetrating for a midwife come my time for childbirth.


Do you think it is right to filch meds that arent yours?

This position is easiest for women who have have an epidural and can't get up, tolerate alone switch positions. However, now a days most doctors permit you decide what position you want to try. They pass you a questionaire before you administer birth and ask you what you are most comfortable with, position astute.

Whats Happening?

Spreading the legs dilates the birth canal.
While you better not grant birth standing that would hurt the fetus, you can not lie supine too since it would bump up the intra abdominal pressure thereby raising the diaphragm and compromising the respiration of the mother (also that of the fetus by compressing the vessels). Leave alone thinking of a standing or sitting position.
Remember not adjectives doctors are males and being stuck with manly supremacy is undesirable.

Having sex and using tampons for the first time?

Ummm, I guess 'cause it's smaller amount work to lie down than to stand or something. Also, pretty much everything in a hospital is done on a bed or table so I guess that newly made sense to them. Just a guess.

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