Why do you catch a pap smear?

I am 17 and my sis told me I should be getting a pap smear. is there a point. i indicate do you have to own a certain description of family history that make it necessary?

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All adult women should enjoy regular pap smears. It checks you cervix for irregular cell growth and also STD's can be detected. You need to do this especially if you're sexually moving, but even if not.

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You just call for to see if there are any abnormality which could lead to more serious problems. Especially momentous if you are sexually active.

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To check for infection, and cancer.


You should start getting Pap smears after you become sexually moving. It's really not necessary at your age if you're not.

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Paps are recommended for everyone of childbearing age. They check for cervical cancer. During the exam, they also look for any signs of abnormality that could be illness.

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to check for STDs or the spanking new word for it is STIs. especially HPV that causes cervical cancer.

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yeip pretty much but youre kinda young

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it checks for cervical cancer, which can happen to anyone and have a high survival rate if capture early. Don't consent to the fear of a cold speculum up your hoo-hah save you from getting one. It's over before you know it and it only just hurts.

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It is for the early detection and treatment of disease.

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I know it screen you for abnormal cell that could lead to cancer or problems next to your reproductive system.

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You should own one whenever you become sexually active and every year after that. Sometimes a relations history may make it indispensable to have them every 6 months.

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no...you stipulation to have one every year...it checks for exceptional cells on the cervix that can turn cancerous

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You have need of to get knowledgeable about pap smears. Much more than what family can tell you here. They are exceptionally important, especially if you are sexually live. They can detect std's and certain type of cancer.

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if you are sexually active you should. this is a enormously important theory test that all women should hold. it helps detect persuaded cancers or other abnormalties.

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I'm 31 and I proscribe to get one. I haven't gotten one contained by almost 4 years. They are so painful and I really don't see the point of getting one. I am not sexually moving nor have I ever be. If it ever comes a time where I enjoy to get one I hope they put me to sleep. The discomfort is just means of access too much and too unbearable for me.

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A pap smear checks for unusual cells on your cervix. These cell could be cancer causing. Anyone over the age of 18, or anyone to be exact sexually active, should get hold of regular pap smears.

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Women should begin getting pap smears annually after they or 21 or hold been have intercourse for 3 years: whichever comes first according to the AMA. The purpose is to spot cervical cancer, or the cells that wreak it early adequate to treat. When you do get your first ask more or less the new vaccine that fight the STD that causes most cervical cancer.

EDIT: I saw it posted above, and considered necessary to clarify for you: Pap smears are NOT painful. The doctor take a small stick (looks like a long Q-Tip) and benevolently wipes a few cell on your cervix. In only take a few seconds, and doens't really surface like anything. Nothing to be afraid of.

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every girl needs one to check for cervical cancer. some types are from hpv a sexual transmitted strain. So it really doesent
hurt to start babyish. I had one at 16.

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You need one for lots of reason. To check to see if you have STD"S, cancer, purely to make sure your parts are surrounded by good condition. I have be getting them since I was 15, I assume everyone should. If you have not have sex yet, I can appreciate it may be uncomfortable fo you, so discuss to your sister or mom or doctor about it.

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It just make sure that you are ok and stuff .. I guess .. I'm 18 and never had one ..

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No kinfolk history neccessary. Every woman should get one twice a year. When a woman is sexually influential this is neccessary to make sure she hasn't contracted any STD's, but even if you're not sexually influential pap smears can detect cervical cancer as well as any fluently occurring infections you may have EARLY ON. I be terrified to achieve one but it turns out it really wasn't a big deal. Protect your condition and get one!

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Pap smears are indicated for any woman who is sexually involved, and for any adult woman, regardless of whether or not she is sexually stirring.

Pap's are used to detect a myriad of conditions, some of which, if left untreated can motivation sterility. Pap's can also identify STD's in women who aren't experiencing any symtoms. Some of those STD's are pre-cursors to cancer...

Your sister is right. You may or may not be sexually involved, but at 17, it's time for a pap, regardless. Be safe, and purloin care of your body.

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It is a routine checkup. The smear theory test checks for abnormalities, infections, and other medical problems. It's simply a checkup you should have annually to ensure you are surrounded by good strength, and catch any developing problems untimely so they can be effectively treated. :)

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